Thursday, 20 December 2018

Four Major Advancements in Cardio Devices and Diagnostics

Medical science and surgery field is gaining improvements along with the pacing time. Scientists are working relentlessly, carrying out research and conducting surveys to come up with new ideas, improvements in existing devices and new medical devices. Since, a large section of men and women suffer with cardiovascular and heart related diseases, scientists are keen to make much needed advancements in cardiology treatment field. In this blog, I am discussing about four major advancements which will open new ways to treat heart and cardiovascular diseases. 

Blood test that can diagnose heart disease more accurately

As per Prevencio publication, a new test known as Hart CAD test can accurately diagnose heart disease in only two hours. The test was conducted on more than 900 subjects and 90% of the time this test was able to detect the presence of coronary obstruction. Much cheaper than cardiac computer tomography angiogram or cardiac catheterization, this test is proved to be more effective than electrocardiogram or nuclear stress testing. While this test is not yet available for medical professionals, it is aimed to make this test as a standardized lab test as soon as possible.

3D Beating heart tissue that is proving beneficial for drug therapy researchers

The scientists of York University have created 3D beating heart tissue from three kinds of cardiac cells. They created tissue that beats harmoniously. Unlike other 2D and 3D tissues, this tissue doesn’t need scaffolding for the cells to be able to attach and grow. According to scientists, this development could help in improving cardiology treatment options and understanding cardiac health. 

Implantable cardioverter defibrillators can do more harm than good

According to researchers of Stanford University School of Medicine, ICD devices give unnecessary shocks if the system malfunctions. In the conducted survey in which 963 patients were picked who had received more than one ICD shock, it was noticed that over one third of the shocks were not needed. For example, sometimes electrical noise caused by broken wire appears as irregular heartbeat. Since, cost of ICD is very high, therefore reprogramming in ICDs is required to avoid unnecessary shocks. This will result in tremendous reduction in healthcare cost.

Introduction of Robotic heart sleeve

Now, to aid the beating of failing heart, a customizable robotic heart sleeve has been introduced. This robotic heart sleeve has many advantages over other heart assisting devices. It never comes in contact with the blood and thus, it reduces the risk of blood clotting. However, the demonstration of this sleeve has been performed to support function in pig hearts and more research is needed to try this soft robot in humans.

Other advancements are also being made in cardiology treatment, cardiac devices and related diagnostics. Scientists are doing more extensive research and improvements so that they can be deployed in current cardiology treatment and diagnostics.